Facilities & Maintenance Management

Maintenance Management Department

Decades utilizes an accomplished service facilities & maintenance management staff that is uniquely qualified to manage your staff or serve your organization with a technician team of our own. We allow you and/or your team to seamlessly enter requests for repairs via online platform or via phone.

Additionally, our facilities management team offers services that include property inspections reducing the amount of potential licensing deficiencies while also providing a level of comfort due to scheduled reliable inspections dates so you and your team know your assets are taken care of.

This proactive approach also reduces the cost of maintenance as it reduces waste and increases the productivity of those working with tools to perform the necessary repairs or preventative maintenance duties. Currently overseeing more than 300 properties we have a proven track record of effective and efficient success.

Contracted Services

Utilizing proprietary software developed with input from over 30 years of industry experience, we utilize a well-managed and timed RFP process, a team of subject matter experts and a refined contract scope of work process to reduce your cost while managing the pre-planned maintenance plan of each of your properties.

This detailed granular approach also allows the Decades team to provide you a confirmed planned budget that comes with the added benefit of our annual buying power, reducing your cost and effort. Allowing your team to focus on their core competencies while you gain the benefit of ours. In summary, we understand the challenges and we are the solution.

Purchased Maintenance

Purchased Maintenance, being defined as all repairs that could not be planned and too small to be considered a capital expense, we have a team of administrative and field experts on standby to urgently address your needs. Either while managing your technician team via our management software platform or deploying our own technicians to your urgent need, once the Decades team is engaged, your team can continue working productively as planned as we handle the urgent disruption allowing you to know your asset is in good hands and on the way to proper repair.

Capital Planning

Don’t allow your assets to become your largest liabilities. The Decades Team is prepared to assist in preparing and implementing a 30 year capital plan for every property type.

A well formulated plan coupled with a Decades self-performed project strategy will allow your budget dollars to go further while the cost of work is driven down and your project list becomes flat lined year after year.

Allowing your organization to utilize capital for growth and preplanned expenses rather than inefficient reactive spending on repair and restoration.

Request A Proposal For Our Services!