Decades does it again – Another Group Home on the Way!

We are excited to share we have helped another non-profit acquire another group home and it is on the way and will be opening soon.  The  Decades team is very proud to support the I/DD community and their providers.  Our team is awaiting your call to assist your organization with the acquisition process with any or all of the below action items:

  • Identify your program needs for the project.
  • Determine geo
  • graphical limits or constraints.
  • Discuss spatial and access needs.
  • Engage realtors who we already work with seeking IDD homes.
  • Conduct Preliminary Walk-thru.
  • Obtain DDD site approval.
  • Schedule home inspections.
  • Offer alternative funding sources as needed to fund the purchase and renovations.
  • Design & Permitting process kick-off.

Speed to market and providing care as well as producing revenue for your organization is important.  Utilizing a professional service to represent your organization and to chair the permitting and design process is key.   Additionally, material choices, asset selection and asset evaluation is vital to the long term cost of ownership and the continuum of care for the individuals you serve.  Don’t let your group home assets become liabilities!  At Decades, “We take care of property so you can take care of people”



Stay tuned for the completed project update.

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